The Au Pair life is a comic strip series created as part of the Ambassador Program with
Cultural Care Au Pair - EF (Education First). I was living in Seattle at that time.
Cultural Care Au Pair - EF (Education First). I was living in Seattle at that time.
Being part of the ambassador program means you get to help new people to settle in,
introduce them to the area when they move to your city, and also collaborate when it comes to talk about the cultural exchange program itself and what it is like to be part of it.
introduce them to the area when they move to your city, and also collaborate when it comes to talk about the cultural exchange program itself and what it is like to be part of it.
I created this in 2018 during a weekly takeover on Cultural Care's Instagram page,
aiming to be a creative way to introduce new people to the life of an Au Pair,
providing short stories from my own experience and a few advices as well or fun facts.
aiming to be a creative way to introduce new people to the life of an Au Pair,
providing short stories from my own experience and a few advices as well or fun facts.
The comics are all hand drawn and coloured.